1) No Boats (including bait boats), Camping or Caravanning. The use of Bivvies is permitted on the Lakes with the exception of Surman Lake which is Umbrellas Only (No Bivvies or Shelters). No Night Fishing on Surman Lake.
2) In order that bankside vegetation is preserved fishing must be from peg positions only, and no wading except for fish safety.
3) Due to misuse by some anglers the use of nuts (except Tigers) as bait is banned on the lakes and anglers are asked to ensure that all beans, nuts and pulses are thoroughly cooked/soaked before use.
Only 1 pint of maggots per angler on the Specimen lake.
No surface baits or floating feed to be used on Surman lake.
4) In the interest of fish and bird preservation anglers must use barbless, pinched or micro barbed hooks when fishing the lakes. No Hooks bigger than size 10 on Surman Lake or size 6 on Bents Pool, except when Pike fishing.
5) Anglers must keep to the correct access tracks when fishing the lakes, and observe the 10 mph speed limit. Parking only in the correct areas as marked.
6) Care must be taken of the wildlife and fish when surface fishing. Bait boats and drones are banned.
7) Care must be taken when unhooking fish and if a fish is to be placed on the ground a unhooking mat must be used. (Mats to be carried at all times) Fish to be returned to the water at the earliest opportunity after capture, transported by weigh sling or landing net.
8) The committee has the authority to ban keepnets (except on matches) and enforce Keepnet Dipping prior to fishing when needed.
9) Members leaving line/litter will be expelled. All litter to be taken home.
10) No fish to be kept more than 5 hours in keepnets at the lakes, and all keepnets must have Carp Sack or Carp Safe bottoms. No Carp to be retained in keepnets except on matches, the use of Carp Sacks is banned.
11) All eligible fish for transfer should be surrendered upon request from bailiff or committee member.
12) Pike fishing is only allowed 1st October to 31st March.
13) Uploading space by the Otter fencing gates to be kept clear, no parking in front of these gates and gates are to be kept shut at all times. Also no climbing over or lifting of tackle over the otter fencing, any member breaking these rules are liable to be banned.
14) Braided mainline is banned on all the lakes (except for piking, spoding or marker).
15) When float fishing a minimum 18" hook length from the bottom of the float.
16) Disregarding these rules may result in expulsion from the Club.