ADULTS - £85.00
HUSBAND & WIFE - 145.00
JUNIORS (12-16) - £10.00
JUNIORS (under 12) - FREE
O.A.P. - £40.00
O.A.P. H & W - £50.00
DISABLED - £30.00
Disabled tickets are available only by applying in writing to the Committee (c/o 23 Fettiplace Rd, Witney) each application will receive attention at the earliest possible meeting, see rule 3.2.
Heyford Lakes Night Fishing Supplement:
Adults - £85.00
Juniors - £20.00
(One passport size photo needed for Night Supplement) No refunds given on membership subscriptions
GUEST TICKET* - £15.00
24 HOUR GUEST TICKET** - £35.00
Day guest tickets are from Sunrise to Sunset only.
*Each member is allowed only 6 Guest Tickets per season, and they are obtainable only by presenting your club card to States Fishing Tackle Shop, Witney.
**Night fishing supplement members can use these guest tickets to obtain a 24 hour guest ticket.